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BIOS Acer Aspire X1935 11073-1


could you help with a bios for a Acer Aspire X1935? ... my PC does not boot.

The mainboard has the following IDs "DIB75L-Lena - 11073-1 - 48.3GW01.001"

Attached the broken bios .

I've noticed that the "Acer Aspire X3995" uses the same mainboard, so I've tried the bios.


The PC boots with it again, but crashes after a while. Try to install Win10 seem to corrupt bios again.

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DSC_0151 1.JPG

could you help with a bios for a Acer Aspire X1935? ... my PC does not boot.

The mainboard has the following IDs "DIB75L-Lena - 11073-1 - 48.3GW01.001"

Attached the broken bios .

I've noticed that the "Acer Aspire X3995" uses the same mainboard, so I've tried the bios.


The PC boots with it again, but crashes after a while. Try to install Win10 seem to corrupt bios again.

thanks a lot for your fast support!

Unfortunately my motherboard does not boot with the uploaded X1935 image.

But I've meanwhile figured out that a bad mem-module caused the craches (and probalby the corrupt bios).
Using the X3995 bios and without the bad mem-module my PC is running stable and I managed to install Win10 again.